Monday, August 31, 2009

Today is a Merdeka...!!
But no go out....haix...
At home sleeping....

Z.Zac TenG...
You basketball competition win le..
Although is number 7 ...but already
very geng liao...Do know you got sad
a not??

tomorrow study liao....happy^^
like study the feel...hehex...

sleeping lo...

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Today very tired...
This two days din't sleeping,
together Lup Hin sms...Haix...
Although very tired , but worth it...
Because relate back primary school
de thing... happy ya ^^

Z.zac TenG...
I know you win basketball competition ...
Win the Pulau Penang..^^
Fearfulness oh..^^

Tomorrow is 'Hari Kabangsaan Merdeka'
Think the this day , Together ang chi ling sms..
but different now..nevermine bah..

Today together jane-jane msn..hehex..
happy happy ya^^...
long time din't together her then happy lo..

see the night ... din't sleeping liao..
Woh~~ ^^

Saturday, August 29, 2009

long time no sms you liao...
I guess you got play basketball
competition bah??
This time competition , you lose
liao 2 round basketball competiton ,
Futhermore win 1 round bah..
Haiz... At here wish you good luck ~~

Yesterday to today ...My x boy friend-
Lup Hin sms to me...long time din't together
wif her then happy liao ^^...
If her din't girl friend , i believe to now together
wif her..Miss back formely , together wif her
already got four years liao.. [2006-2009]
If tell cognition , 1 grade already cognition liao...
Merely 4,5,6 grade together wif her same class only ..
Now her study SMK Batu Lapan 8 , me leh study SMK
Bandar Puchong Jaya (A) lo...Haiz...
But to seconfary school , thogrther wif her tuition , her
sit my beside ..haha^^..

Bye-bye .. Zzz

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

Holiday liao...
At house so boring o....
Luckily Ah Boy accompany me sms
Hehex ^^
Jane-jane very miss you leh ..

Teng ...
Long time din't sms you liao...
I believe you already forget me liao...
Haiz...fine bah !!>.<

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Haha..This two day night, me , stefanie
and her boy friend go out see performace...
yesterday play de happy...We see the kuai keei
n her father...Today again go out see the performace
lo...hehex ^^
Wish stefanie and her boy friend forever love oh!!

Friday, August 21, 2009

Today very happy..
today morning see chinese newspaper
the time , i see the hui teng ah!! ^^
Yeah...happy happy happy...
Although long time no see you , but
i din't forget you d..
today me n stefanie din't go to
skul oh..
Today can't see my jane-jane sad..
Although i din't go to school..
but wish her exam good lukc la!!
Night the time , me n stefanie tuition
finish , with stefanie see performance think..see the stefanie boy friend

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Today very happy o..
Teacher din't go to class...
Me n my friend at class...
playing, listen MP5 , play phone,
playing football n many... just discover my class,
got class d friend
sicken H1N1 le...lamentable de..

Today din't sms you...because i no think
bother you..!!
Haiz >.<
Today very sad oh...

Today sms to you ... I so happy , because you
got reply my together me
tell...'Who are you??'
Then i cry ...i got reply your message .. 'U don know
me le??...
I think the long time..Possible you forget me le ma??
Or you delete my phone number??
You so long time just reply my message..u together
me say lost you phone...Haiz..
Probably you forget me ..vs you compare good..


Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Today don't has anything special happend...haha

I very miss you o..How about you now ??
Everyday think.. you must sms to me ...result
my phone no your message...very despond...
Everytime vern think sms you..but last time din't
sms me no dare?? Still scare you feel me

Thursday, August 13, 2009

Lazy write blog...Haiz..
Tomorrow got competition o.o....
Haiz...tomorrow i definite win oh...
I am Kadet polis MSSD ..can't not lose de..
together else team competition got PBSM,Bandar Puteri n many..
... very tension oh..

Kadet Polis wan win oh!!


Definite win~

~I very miss her O.o..[teng]...
Miss n Love her 104 days..~

Saturday, August 8, 2009

Today at Bandar Kinara d time,
di'nt think i see the car...i
do know she see me ma..I affirm
absence see wrong she car...WPV2728..
Equal go back to home ...traffic light stop de time..
she de car actually at my beside...feel very scare oo...
Haha^^together my friend hair funny oh!!
still together my friend take photo..
I buy new watch to watch very beatiful..
Peacetime I like the watch..connect my family n my friend

Friday, August 7, 2009

Today ...together my friend at library play..
very happy..!!
I except tomorrow oh..because tomorrow
together my friend go hair cutting...Haiz..
wan together my hair say bye-bye lo...
Because full all friend change hairstyle...
Haha^^Do know cut how..

Thursday, August 6, 2009

Today , i very happy..because today go to school already lo!! ^^
Haiz..yesterday teacher give us exam paper already liao..
Today after school walk the time..abruptly Jane-Jane walk my front..
Very yearn this feel...If is formerly , i very happy and madness..
Think the formerly , everday together with her , help her take book .
accompany her stay back , buy water give her.......................................
Probably formerly very love her bah.. But now din't already.....Haha^^
Because now i got love de people....futhermore you got bf already...
Moreover din't think I like you got two years le...But now already no same....
Today listen one song..that song is a 'wo ting jian you ren jiao ni bao bai' ... listen
this song ..very miss hui teng o.o ...If stefanie din't tell me... I also do know all of
you be together..!!Haiz.. July i din't sms you..because i din't think faze all of you..
But..i really think ask you ... you know stefanie got boy friend a not?? Haiz..
>>In fact also think well love you..
but final see you be others cherish<<

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Today sick liao..Din't go to school..
This time is me once go to school....
wretchedness de me...have to at house ..
or else see movie...boring!!
Tomorrow furthermore sick, i also wan
concede go to school...because today already
din't go to school liao!! know she exam PMR how...
If today i go to school, i definite will look she..
Haiz..Wish she exam PMR succeed..=]

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

Today morning,I same go to school.
Today my mood very good,because teacher din't come..
Today i and my friend very funny , because we learn India
language. We read till very funny!! We learn 'I love You, I hate You and Thank You!! after school, I felt myself sick!!
Haiz..Do know what time recover back...